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Life Coach

& Uplifter

My name is Ginnie Vestal and I am a Certified Life Coach from The Life Coach School.  


The photos on the right capture a few facets of my life.  I grew up a child of the 70's and followed my dream to be an over achiever, people pleaser, excellent middle child specializing in the red-headed step child variety. I really can't make this * up.


I graduated in the 90's with an Industrial Engineering degree and launched a software company with my husband. We traveled all over the world creating and installing video banking applications. 


Fast forward a decade or more, I was living what seemed a regular life, but I increasingly irritable, resentful and unfulfilled.  Unable to find a peace within, I resourced peace from outside of my Spirit, Soul or Source Energy. When I put my dependence on others and things, I forfeited my power to fear, food, and alcohol.  Some of my lowest points in life have lead me to where I am now, so for that I am extremely humble and grateful.  


I completely gave up the addiction to suffering and gained my life back. It set me on a path that was beyond my wildest dreams.





My Soul chose a very specific life for me. I came to Earth during one of the most exciting times in human history.  I could have chosen the easy path, but I opted in on struggling with so many things for the expansion - the contrast - the lessons.  The Universe has been watching me to see if I would learn the lessons, experience the completions, break ancestral karma, upgrade and activate my DNA to the blueprint that it was intended for, break free from service to self, choose the path of service to others, call back and allow the integration of all my Soul fragments, find my twin flame, clear parasitic mind control, remove energetic cords and attachments, activate my Merkaba, clear cellular trauma, decalcify and activate my pineal gland, raise my vibration, fuel my light body with Love, and prepare all other aspects of my body for ascension. Wow! Yes I was born for this.  

I have lived long enough in service to Self. I commit to live in service to others for the remainder of this human existence. Through my own life experiences and the unlimited assistance of many people, resources, and guides, I have a unique ability and desire to help others. If you want to set up a coaching session with me, just click the RED PILL button below. Thanks!

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What kept me separate from my greatness was my limiting thoughts and beliefs - these agreements that I didn't know that I had made with myself. I know the way out of them. Let's work together to level up all your relationships so that you can win win win!I have exited the lack matrix and live thriving in abundance. 

There is no time better than now to create the YOU that you were born to be. If you are ready to do the work, then sign up for a session. The power is within you; it is within all of us. Let's go find it! Let's ignite your power.


Let's Do a Discovery Call

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